Thursday 23 June 2011


The high standard  of living
 in the developed countries owes much to mechanical engineering. The mechanical engineer invents machines to produce goods and develops machine tools of increasing accuracy and complexity to build the machines.
The principal lines of development of machinery have been an increase in the speed of operation to obtain high rates of production, improvement in accuracy to obtain quality and economy in the product, and minimization of operating costs. These three requirements have led to the evolution of complex control systems.
The most successful production machinery is that in which the mechanical design of the machine is closely integrated with the control system. A modern transfer (conveyor) line for the manufacture of automobile engines is a good example of the mechanization of a complex series of manufacturing processes. Developments are in hand to automate production machinery further, using computers to store and process the vast amount of data required for manufacturing a variety of components with a small number of versatile machine tools.


 Four functions of the mechanical engineer, common to all branches of mechanical engineering, can be cited. The first is the understanding of and dealing with the bases of mechanical science. These include dynamics, concerning the relation between forces and motion, such as in vibration; automatic control; thermodynamics, dealing with the relations among the various forms of heat,energy, and power; fluid flow; heat transfer; lubrication; and properties of materials.
Second is the sequence of research, design, and development. This function attempts to bring about the changes necessary to meet present and future needs. Such work requires a clear understanding of mechanical science, an ability to analyze a complex system into its basic factors, and the originality to synthesize and invent.
Third is production of products and power, which embraces planning, operation, and maintenance. The goal is to produce the maximum value with the minimum investment and cost while maintaining or enhancing longer term viability and reputation of the enterprise or the institution.
Fourth is the coordinating function of the mechanical engineer, including management, consulting, and, in some cases, marketing.
In these functions there is a long continuing trend toward the use of scientific instead of traditional or intuitive methods. Operations research, value engineering, and PABLA (problem analysis by logical approach) are typical titles of such rationalized approaches. Creativity, however, cannot be rationalized. The ability to take the important and unexpected step that opens up new solutions remains in mechanical engineering, as elsewhere, largely a personal and spontaneous characteristic.


The sole purpose of producing a product is to make a profit.  The product has to appeal to the end user (your customers), and it has to be cost effectively manufactured.  These key features are the focal point of our contribution to your success.

While the blending of our services and expertise is used to meet theses goals, they can be broken down into four basic categories.
Plastic Product Development.
Plastic design takes years of experience to master because it requires a complex matrix of skills.  Functional design as well as manufacturability play a key role.  Not only does the product have to perform, you have to be able to manufacture it.

Mold design, assembly procedures, and manufacturing processes must be considered in the design of plastic parts.  Our plastic product development methods considers all of these characteristics to assure that your product can be manufactured and at the lowest cost.
Industrial Design.
Industrial Design deals with cosmetics.  The appearance of your product is critical when it comes to catching the eye of your customers.

Every product we develop is critiqued and approved by our Industrial Design department to assure that your product has the highest artistic value and marketability.
Manufacturing Engineering.
If you're a manufacturer who needs to develop a new product, we can help.  We can work seamlessly with your existing manufacturing structure.  Documentation can be tailored to your specifications, and design can be governed by your capabilities.  It's as though we are an extension of your Engineering Department.

OEM Consulting.
Manufactures need help from time to time to solve difficult problems.  We've helped countless manufactures solve mechanical engineering questions related to plastic design, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, mechanical design, documentation, product testing, and much more.We'll be happy to help you solve your problem.

Saturday 4 June 2011

Mechanical Engineers - Overview


Mechanical Engineering is an engineering specialty that involves many different science principles for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. In order to be successful, it requires a solid understanding of key concepts including mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics and energy. Mechanical Engineers use these principles and others in the design and analysis of things like machinery, aircraft, automobiles, medical devices and much more.

Wednesday 1 June 2011


Mechanical Engineering careers can have the following stages:

1) Early years – technical work most important
2) Middle years – project management and product expert knowledge (still      technical) become more important.

3) Senior years – corporate, market, and global understanding become important.
4) Communication and team skills remain important throughout.


Skills that help Mechanical Engineers to be successful in their careers:

1) Problem solving (The essence of engineering!)
2) Creativity
3) Hands-on understanding
4) Networking
5) Leadership/conflict resolution
6) Knowledge management

Saturday 28 May 2011


Mechanical Engineers are engaged in the following activities:

1)  Conceptual design
2)  Analysis
3)  Presentations and report writing
4)  Multidisciplinary teamwork
5)  Concurrent engineering
6)  Benchmarking the competition
7)  Project management
8)  Prototyping
9)   Testing

10)  Measurements
11)  Data Interpretation
12)  Developmental design
13)  Research
14)  Work with suppliers
15)  Sales
16)  Consulting
17)  Customer service